This is the complete, in sequence walkthrough for the quest to get a Complete Pattern of the Great Ice Golem. The following post has the short steps that can be taken to minize time & effort.
Dark Red: Location information for where the subject area is.
Olive: Chat window narrative text.
Blue: NPC Chat text.
Green: Player Character chat text. Please read these carefully, as they are the proper sequence of dialog to advance the quest.
ALL CAPS: Indicates and action required by the player; loot, trade, etc.
ALL CAPS: Indicates an NPC Name. Check these carefully as there may be several similar Prophet, Hypnagogic, etc.
Penumbra NE Unredeemed Temple - 2nd Room - Left Hand Side (115x410)
Here in the library, the mighty Prophet Urga Van stands
studying some ancient texts. This is one of the prime defender of this icy
fortress of Vanya the Unredeemed, second only to the Patriarch Prophet
Nar Van.
Whatchuwant: Greetings
Prophet Urga Van:
Welcome to the Temple traveller! May you find peace in here.
How may I help you?
Whatchuwant: I need to see Vanya the Unredeemed
Urga Van runs his eyes down his nose and says:
Prophet Urga Van: Need to see Vanya you say?
Who doesn't?
Is there any special reason I should call her to meet you?
Whatchuwant: I need information from her.
Prophet Urga Van: That did little to answer my question.
All of us would dearly want to have her here to answer our
trivia all day long.
Now again, is there any SPECIAL reason I should call her for
Whatchuwant: Well.. It is vitally important. But SPECIAL
reason...No, not except if you could come up with one?
Prophet Urga Van: Ah!
The prophet lowers his voice a bit and says with a
complimentary smile.
Prophet Urga Van: Learning how to get around in the world I
I can use people like you.
Tell you what. Go to the library and find the hypnagogic. Get from
him The Book of Insignificant Rituals.
If you manage that impossible task, I might call Vanya forth to
answer your questions.
Whatchuwant: Why is that so impossible?
Prophet Urga Van: Have you met the good hypnagogic?
He is the most eccentric and stubborn man in this temple, pray
that you don't need to have anything to do with him,
The Prophet is a busy man and obviously considers your
little business finished.
Adonis Catacomb Bosses
GET "A Page From The Yomi Grimoire"
Penumbra NE Unredeemed Temple - 2nd Room - Left Side (110x450)
TRADE YOMI PAGE - GET "Book Of Insignifigant Rituals"
Here in the library, the mighty Prophet Urga Van stands
studying some ancient texts. This is one of the prime defender of this icy
fortress of Vanya the Unredeemed, second only to the Patriarch Prophet
Nar Van.
Whatchuwant: Greetings
Prophet Urga Van:
Welcome to the Temple traveller! May you find peace in here.
How may I help you?
Whatchuwant: I have something for you!
Prophet Urga Van:
You do?
Let me see, please.
The Prophets eyes widen as he sees the book
Prophet Urga Van:
I'll be damned...
How did you manage that?
He looks at you with renewed interest.
Prophet Urga Van:
Well, I guess I better keep my end of the deal. I have some
things I need to talk to her about myself.
Hurry over to the summoning room, she won't stay long. Show her
The Book of Insignificant Rituals and she will understand
why we have called for her.
And without further delay the arch priest starts his
Prophet Urga Van:
Go! GO!!!
Penumbra NE Unredeemed Temple - 2nd Room - Right Side (350x330)
Standing before you in all her glory is Vanya the
Unredeemed of Penumbra!
Whatchuwant: Bow in reverence...
As you present to Vanya the Book of Insignificant Rituals,
you see a small, pleasant and encouraging smile on the Unredeemed's
Unredeemed Vanya:
Rise my good warrior and state your business.
Whatchuwant: I would like to ask you about a legend called
The Great Ice Golem.
Unredeemed Vanya: So you are interested in that mighty
May I ask you why?
Whatchuwant: Tell Vanya of your business with Ergo.
You recite the main points from your dealings with Ergo and
why you are looking for the Golem.
Unredeemed Vanya:
I appreciate your honesty and even though I am not in the
business of helping Ergo with his interests, I have no gain of
standing in his way.
And I have even less interest in hindering you getting on with
your journey and aiding our cause.
But I will ask you a favor in return for getting to The Great Ice
Whatchuwant: What would you like me to do?
Unredeemed Vanya: I want you to prove your loyalty to this
Please, give me the Book of Insignificant Rituals.
Unredeemed Vanya:
Go to the temple of Cama, the so called Redeemed.
When you have slain the "Holier than Thou" Ecclesiast, my agent
Ardent Gulu Van will reveal himself to you.
Strike down my arch enemy and bring me her beating heart!
When you see Ardent Gulu Van, hand him this letter and the sacred
relic you will find among the Ecclesiasts posessions.
Gulu Van will know what to do!
Remember, Gulu will be in great danger and I don't want him to be
exposed. When you see him, act silently and quickly!
Until then, fair journeys!
Unredeemed Vanya is no longer available for conversation.
RECEIVE "Sealed Instructions to Ardent Gulu Van"
You are to strike down Unred...
You are to strike down Unredeemed Cama and bring back her heart to Vanya.
Realtime left: 0 days, 09 hours, 00 minutes.
KILL ECCLESIAST - LOOT "Sacred Blueprint of Cama"
KILL REDEEMED CAMA - LOOT "Cama's Beating Heart"
Here in the library, the mighty Prophet Urga Van stands
studying some ancient texts. This is one of the prime defender of this icy
fortress of Vanya the Unredeemed, second only to the Patriarch Prophet
Nar Van.
Whatchuwant: Greetings
Prophet Urga Van:
Welcome to the Temple traveller! May you find peace in here.
How may I help you?
Whatchuwant: I need to see Vanya the Unredeemed
Urga Van runs his eyes down his nose and says:
Prophet Urga Van: Need to see Vanya you say?
Who doesn't?
Is there any special reason I should call her to meet you?
Whatchuwant: I have something for her!
The Prophet looks at you a bit perplexed...
Prophet Urga Van: You do?
For her?
Let me see!
The good Prophet almost faints when he sees the grisly remains of
Cama the Redeemed, pounding in your hands, spitting blood here and there
over his shiny marble floors...He fumbles the heart and drops it on the floor,
after a short chase where the heart bounces back and forth he stomps it, grabs it
and thrusts the bloody mess in your hands
Prophet Urga Van:
Take it back! Take it back!!
I will call her right away!
Run over to the summoning room, she will appear there in a few seconds!
And hurry, she wont stay long!
Standing before you in all her glory is Vanya the Unredeemed of Penumbra!
Whatchuwant: I bring you the heart of Cama.
Unredeemed Vanya: Now do you?
Let me see.
Vanya takes the heart with one hand and waves at you with
the other. The vision of her this time is terrifying and you almost do not
notice as something cold and heavy materializes in your hands.Vanya
now concentrates on the heart, holds it with both hands out in front of her
and watches as it's beats turn into massive cramps while it heats up and
starts boiling. Before long, everyone and everything in the room are
covered with blood, the walls are dripping and small pools form here and
there on the floor.And then she is looking at you again. Her expression is
wild, racing and there is a certain profound satisfaction in her voice when
she finally says:
Unredeemed Vanya:
She knows...
She felt that!
Suddenly you see the blood that was everywhere just a moment
ago is being absorbed by the walls and the floor of the temple and
before you know, all is like it was before.Vanya is back to her
normal self, looks over the congregation one last time and then
vanishes into thin air!.
Unredeemed Vanya is no longer available for conversation.
RECEIVE "Complete Blueprint of the Great Ice Golem"
Ice Golem PB Pattern Quest Walkthrough - 98% COMPLETE
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- Whatchuwant
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- Posts: 677
- Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:24 am
Ice Golem PB Pattern Quest Walkthrough - 98% COMPLETE
Last edited by Whatchuwant on Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:23 pm, edited 6 times in total.
- Whatchuwant
- General
- Posts: 677
- Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:24 am
That's the complete quest, as it would work in sequence (for any of you RP'ers). Here's the abbreviated version:
1.) Prepare with the following items:
Cama's Beating Heart (loot from Redeemed Temple boss: Redeemed Cama)
A Page from the Yomi Grimoire (loot from Adonis Catacombs bosses)
2.) Travel to the Penumbra NE Unredeemed Temple. Go to the 2nd Room, take the Left Side door.
3.) Trade the Yomi Page to Hypnagogic Ixi-Lum Van - Receive Book of Insignifigant Rituals
4.) Trade Book to Prophet Urga Van - He will Spawn Vanya
5.) Go across to the Right Side door.
6.) Give Book to Vanya - Receive Quest to Get Cama's Heart
7.) Return to the Left Side.
8.) Give Heart to Prophet Urga Van - He will re-spawn Vanya
9.) Return to teh Right Side.
10.) Give Heart to Vanya - Receive Ice Golem Pattern
I need to confirm that Step 2 is accurate. You might need to start by talking to the Prophet first, but I did not notice a quest that linked them.
Need to confirm which catacomb bosses drop the Yomi Page.
I will also test whether direct trades on each of these stpes is acceptable, or whether the dialogue needs to be progressed before trading the items.
1.) Prepare with the following items:
Cama's Beating Heart (loot from Redeemed Temple boss: Redeemed Cama)
A Page from the Yomi Grimoire (loot from Adonis Catacombs bosses)
2.) Travel to the Penumbra NE Unredeemed Temple. Go to the 2nd Room, take the Left Side door.
3.) Trade the Yomi Page to Hypnagogic Ixi-Lum Van - Receive Book of Insignifigant Rituals
4.) Trade Book to Prophet Urga Van - He will Spawn Vanya
5.) Go across to the Right Side door.
6.) Give Book to Vanya - Receive Quest to Get Cama's Heart
7.) Return to the Left Side.
8.) Give Heart to Prophet Urga Van - He will re-spawn Vanya
9.) Return to teh Right Side.
10.) Give Heart to Vanya - Receive Ice Golem Pattern
I need to confirm that Step 2 is accurate. You might need to start by talking to the Prophet first, but I did not notice a quest that linked them.
Need to confirm which catacomb bosses drop the Yomi Page.
I will also test whether direct trades on each of these stpes is acceptable, or whether the dialogue needs to be progressed before trading the items.
Last edited by Whatchuwant on Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- Whatchuwant
- General
- Posts: 677
- Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:24 am
There are several places in other guides that aren't clear about when & how shortcuts can be taken. Here is a list of what I have observed so far.
1.) Who drops the Page From the Yomi Grimoire?
NOT CERTAIN. It definitely drops from the boss or mini-bosses in the
Adonis Catacombs (Tier2 hunting ground). I looted one from the Styxx
mini-boss from the center room. Need further research to determine
which others can drop it, and id the hallway mini-bosses can also drop it.
2.) Can you progress this quest if you already have Cama's Beating Heart?
YES. Cama's Beating Heart is no longer a temporary item, so this can
now be looted well in advance. Side note: once you have given the
heart to the Prophet, it will become Cama's Lifeless Heart which is
a temporary item.
3.) Can you spawn Cama with Insignias instead of the Sealed Instructions.
YES. The regular method of spawning with insignias works just fine. This
also helps with getting Cama's Heart in advance, since you are on a 9
hour timer when you get the Instructions from Vanya.
4.) Can I spawn Cama with the Blueprint & Instructions if I do not have the quest activated?
NOT CERTAIN. I have the letter, and I will test this as soon as possible. If
this works without the quest running, then we have an extra way to spawn
Cama without having to farm Insignias. My instincts tell me that this is
unlikely to work, but I will try it.
5.) Can I speed up the quest by trading itmes immediately & bypass the lengthy dialogue?
NOT CERTAIN. This is usually allowable, but I have not tested this yet myself.
If there are any other questions about this quest, the walkthrough, the shortcuts, etc. Please post them here & I'll do my best to find an answer
1.) Who drops the Page From the Yomi Grimoire?
NOT CERTAIN. It definitely drops from the boss or mini-bosses in the
Adonis Catacombs (Tier2 hunting ground). I looted one from the Styxx
mini-boss from the center room. Need further research to determine
which others can drop it, and id the hallway mini-bosses can also drop it.
2.) Can you progress this quest if you already have Cama's Beating Heart?
YES. Cama's Beating Heart is no longer a temporary item, so this can
now be looted well in advance. Side note: once you have given the
heart to the Prophet, it will become Cama's Lifeless Heart which is
a temporary item.
3.) Can you spawn Cama with Insignias instead of the Sealed Instructions.
YES. The regular method of spawning with insignias works just fine. This
also helps with getting Cama's Heart in advance, since you are on a 9
hour timer when you get the Instructions from Vanya.
4.) Can I spawn Cama with the Blueprint & Instructions if I do not have the quest activated?
NOT CERTAIN. I have the letter, and I will test this as soon as possible. If
this works without the quest running, then we have an extra way to spawn
Cama without having to farm Insignias. My instincts tell me that this is
unlikely to work, but I will try it.
5.) Can I speed up the quest by trading itmes immediately & bypass the lengthy dialogue?
NOT CERTAIN. This is usually allowable, but I have not tested this yet myself.
If there are any other questions about this quest, the walkthrough, the shortcuts, etc. Please post them here & I'll do my best to find an answer

Last edited by Whatchuwant on Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cool, great info. 

For our org at least I see this as a non-issue really; we do enough Pen Sanct Keys for folks to have plenty of hearts (and I remember leaving some to rot on body too, lol) and now that we have verification that "old" hearts work we should be able to put them to good use.Whatchuwant wrote: 4) Can I spawn Cama with the Blueprint & Instructions if I do not have the quest activated?
NOT CERTAIN. I have the letter, and I will test this as soon as possible. If
this works without the quest running, then we have an extra way to spawn
Cama without having to farm Insignias. My instincts tell me that this is
unlikely to work, but I will try it.

- Whatchuwant
- General
- Posts: 677
- Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:24 am
True. And having a set ready at all times gives us the advantage of be able to do this when a member or two needs their ring instead of gathering up a full team that needs with the time it takes to make them all be online togheter.Whatchuwant wrote:True, but if the blueprint & instructions work anytime too, we'd have a nice completable cycle, without having to farm insigs (not that those are hard).
- Whatchuwant
- General
- Posts: 677
- Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:24 am
Which also puts us in a good position to do nice or profitable things with the left overs.Sozinho wrote:True. And having a set ready at all times gives us the advantage of be able to do this when a member or two needs their ring instead of gathering up a full team that needs with the time it takes to make them all be online togheter.
Which reminds me. I have another Yomi page, so a Cama Heart is in my near future. Want to test the Instructions/Looted Blueprint spawn method while I'm at it, then capture the small amount of missing text for the guide.
Meanwhile, any suggestions for how to make the guide a little more visually appealing?
1. Fixed your quote of me. Remember to put a " on each side of the nick you are quoting.Whatchuwant wrote:Which also puts us in a good position to do nice or profitable things with the left overs.Sozinho wrote:True. And having a set ready at all times gives us the advantage of be able to do this when a member or two needs their ring instead of gathering up a full team that needs with the time it takes to make them all be online togheter.
Which reminds me. I have another Yomi page, so a Cama Heart is in my near future. Want to test the Instructions/Looted Blueprint spawn method while I'm at it, then capture the small amount of missing text for the guide.
Meanwhile, any suggestions for how to make the guide a little more visually appealing?
2. Profit is always good. Always someone willing to pay a bit for a free ride to inferno.
3. I'm up for doing some fun Cama killing. Been a while since I smacked Cama myself.
4. Visually Appealing ? You can run around handing out flyers and such ? Or you mean to make other people notice us ? How does other orgs do such things ? Except orgs well-known from all the raidbots and such.
We could spawn and kill Tchu and announce that we took care of Tchu incase someone need boots

Or we could do org-APF-sector. That would put us on some list.