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About the General forum, and Posting Guidelines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:19 pm
by Sozinho
This part of the forum are for old members / non-guildes that want to stop by and say hi. Please post everything else in the right sections.

You don't have to register to read the posts in the public forums.

However, due to recent spam posts from bots, you must now be registered and log in first in order to post.

Posting on our public forums is offered as a courtesy to our guests and to our members that are not currently in-game. In appreciation for this courtesy, we expect that anyone who posts here represents a level of civility & decency as would be expected on any public forum.

Under no circumstances will we allow open flaming of any current or former members of this organization on these forums. This statement does not imply that we condone any of the perceived behavior or attitude by former members, and any occurences involving current members should be brought to our attention privately in-game. If you wish to get in touch with an OO officer, please refer to this contact list to direct your question or comment to the right person.

If you have anything to say about the actions or behavior of anyone that is no longer in this guild, I suggest you try and voice your opinion on the forum website for their current org, or on the AO forums (see how far that'll get you).

With all of this in mind, please keep it civil, and be aware that all content of this site is the sole possession of Obsidian Order, and is moderated by the OO Leadership. Any threads or posts that we do not feel are in keeping with these guidelines will be locked or deleted at our discretion.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:46 am
by Sorhan
Just to clarify: if you are a current member of Obsidian Order, of any rank, you should have access to topics in a Member section of these forums.

If you don't see these forums, please post in the Member Access forum so that we can add you ASAP.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:52 pm
by Sorhan
As of 10/18/06, guest posting on the public forums has been disabled due to spambots.