How hard can a MA crit?
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:49 pm
So, was trying to figure out how hard a MA could crit yesterday in org chat, and decided to try to figure out a theoretical maximum hit.
Now, I'm interested in maximum possible damage on a single crit on a target with no AC, not a reasonable setup for every day use, or even normal +DD use.
Anyway, let's see. I'm going to worry first about +dmg. Figuring out max MA skill and AR is much harder, and maybe I won't do that.
The MA wants to use energy fists, so that he can wear blue gloves. Also, the MA is teamed with a trader, a keeper, a soldier, and adventurer, with an engineer and crat in AoE range. I thought that the MA wanted to be trox for MR, but upon further research, I think that the MA actually wants to be a clan opifex for SB.
Armor setup + arul sabas.
That's +343 +164 = +507 dmg from armor.
Partial perk setup for another +290 dmg
Ethereal Implant of Berserker Rage in l.arm: +90
Sinew of Tarasque in r.arm: +40
Ql 300 +energy clusters in both wrists: +9 +13
Can't implant the shiny into r.hand, because it conflicts with MA cluster, and no symb MA can wear has +energy there.
+152 dmg there
Self Nanos:
Fists of the Lightning Crane: +23
Autumn Leaves: +305
Horde: +12
+340 total
QL 300 Sentient Corrosive Turret for +75
QL 250 Uncloak Pulse Turret for +75
Hit MoTR: +120
That's a total of +1559 so far.
Another +800 from clan opifex SB.
Okay, now the teammates get to help out:
Sacrifice: +1300
Suppressive horde: +220
Vengeance of the Immaculate: +130
Gazump fight: +107
Calia's Form: Sabretooth: +56
Leader of the Pack: +19
Sympathetic Entropy Infusion: +25
+1857 from that, +4216 total so far
Now, I'm interested in maximum possible damage on a single crit on a target with no AC, not a reasonable setup for every day use, or even normal +DD use.
Anyway, let's see. I'm going to worry first about +dmg. Figuring out max MA skill and AR is much harder, and maybe I won't do that.
The MA wants to use energy fists, so that he can wear blue gloves. Also, the MA is teamed with a trader, a keeper, a soldier, and adventurer, with an engineer and crat in AoE range. I thought that the MA wanted to be trox for MR, but upon further research, I think that the MA actually wants to be a clan opifex for SB.
Armor setup + arul sabas.
That's +343 +164 = +507 dmg from armor.
Partial perk setup for another +290 dmg
Ethereal Implant of Berserker Rage in l.arm: +90
Sinew of Tarasque in r.arm: +40
Ql 300 +energy clusters in both wrists: +9 +13
Can't implant the shiny into r.hand, because it conflicts with MA cluster, and no symb MA can wear has +energy there.
+152 dmg there
Self Nanos:
Fists of the Lightning Crane: +23
Autumn Leaves: +305
Horde: +12
+340 total
QL 300 Sentient Corrosive Turret for +75
QL 250 Uncloak Pulse Turret for +75
Hit MoTR: +120
That's a total of +1559 so far.
Another +800 from clan opifex SB.
Okay, now the teammates get to help out:
Sacrifice: +1300
Suppressive horde: +220
Vengeance of the Immaculate: +130
Gazump fight: +107
Calia's Form: Sabretooth: +56
Leader of the Pack: +19
Sympathetic Entropy Infusion: +25
+1857 from that, +4216 total so far