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Whatchuwant's Obsessive Symbiant & PB Research

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:18 pm
by Whatchuwant
Since I've been keeping a speadsheet with all the symbiants I have in stock, I decided to fill it in with the PBs that drop them, and fill in the ones I've never looted.

So, if you're looking for a symbiant, this shoudl be a quick lookup source. Most of the info comes from AO Pocket, but since it isn't really kept up-to-date, these lists should become more accurate.

Please note that some symbs weren't listed on AO Pocket at all, so if you're inclined to take notes about what PBs drop what symbs when you all spawn any, maybe we can fill in some of the blanks.

I also see some PBs listed that aren't available, or have a different loot list when compared to the !pb command on Aoobot.

I've also got some symbs that are listed as TNH (The Night Heart) drops, but I've never looted from there, so there muxh be some PBs that also drop some of these. I'm inclined to think that all symbs ql 280 & lower can drop from a PB and TNH. All of the ql 290 & 300s were listed as TNH only, so I did not include them. I also didn't bother with any below ql 70, since most of those are straight drops from dynas in SL, or are so pathetically low that no-one should every really want them.

If anyone can think of additional useful data to incluse in these lists, let me know.

***** IMPORTANT *****

This is not a list of what I havein stock. This list includes symbs that I have never looted. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the listed PB for all of these, but I will add a "confirmed" note for any and all that I can reliably account for.[/i]

Extermination Symbiants - NT, Crat, MP

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:19 pm
by Whatchuwant
Extermination Symbiants - NT, Crat, MP

Animated - ql 70 - lvl 52, treatment 420, abilities 159

Left Hand..................The Elysian Soul Dredge
Right Arm.................Brutal Soul Dredge
Right Wrist................The Talus Suzerain
Thigh........................The Elysian Soul Dredge

Moving - ql 80 - lvl 59, treatment 479, abilities 181

Ear...........................Brutal Soul Dredge
Right Hand................Ungulera
Right Wrist................The Talus Suzerain
Thigh........................The Elysian Soul Dredge

Vibrating - ql 90 - lvl 66, treatment 538, abilities 203

Ear...........................Brutal Soul Dredge
Feet..........................Ashmara Ravin
Left Arm...................The Dune Suzerain
Left Wrist..................Ungulera
Right Wrist................The Talus Suzerain
Thigh........................Not Listed on AOPocket

Breathing - ql 100 - lvl 73, treatment 597, abilities 226

Brain........................Brutal Soul Dredge
Chest.......................Brutal Soul Dredge
Left Hand..................Marem
Right Hand................Not Listed on AOPocket
Thigh........................The Elysian Soul Dredge

Operative - ql 110 - lvl 81, treatment 656, abilities 249

Chest........................The Dune Suzerain
Feet..........................Ashmara Ravin
Left Hand...................Marem
Ocular.......................The Dune Suzerain

Prevailing - ql 120 - lvl 88, treatment 715, abilities 271

Left Arm....................Awl
Left Wrist...................Beatific Spirit
Right Arm..................Auger
Right Hand.................Beatific Spirit
Right Wrist.................Borer

Residing - ql 130 - lvl 95, treatment 774, abilities 293

Feet..........................Ashmara Ravin
Left Wrist...................Beatific Spirit
Right Hand.................Ignis Fatuus

Running - ql 140 - lvl 103, treatment 833, abilities 316

Right Hand.................Beatific Spirit & Ignis Fatuus
Thigh.........................Ignis Fatuus

Surviving - ql 150 - lvl 110, treatment 892, abilities 339

Left Hand...................Marem
Ocular.......................Adobe Suzerain
Right Arm..................Auger

Working - ql 160 - lvl 117, treatment 951, abilities 361

Left Arm.....................Awl
Right Hand..................Ignis Fatuus
Right Wrist..................Borer

Active - ql 170 - lvl 125, treatment 1011, abilities 383

Chest.........................Auger & Awl
Left Arm.....................Awl
Left Wrist....................Beatific Spirit
Right Hand..................Ignis Fatuus
Right Wrist..................Borer
Waist..........................Beatific Spirit

Awakened - ql 180 - lvl 132, treatment 1070, abilities 406

Chest.........................The Penumbral Spirit Hunter
Left Arm.....................The Penumbral Spirit Hunter
Left Hand....................Breaker Teuvo
Left Wrist....................Brutal Rafter
Thigh..........................Breaker Teuvo

Enduring - ql 190 - lvl 139, treatment 1129, abilities 429

Left Arm......................Brutal Rafter
Left Hand....................The Dryad Shuffle
Left Wrist....................Brutal Rafter
Right Hand..................Bagaspati
Feet............................The Dryad Shuffle

Growing - ql 200 - lvl 146, treatment 1188, abilities 451

Chest..........................Brutal Rafter & The Penumbral Spirit Hunter
Left Hand.....................The Dryad Shuffle
Left Wrist.....................Brutal Rafter
Right Arm....................The Penumbral Spirit Hunter
Thigh...........................Breaker Teuvo

Living - ql 210 - lvl 154, treatment 1342, abilities 683

Ear..............................The Penumbral Spirit Hunter
Right Hand...................Breaker Teuvo

Persisting - ql 220 - lvl 161, treatment 1406, abilities 716

Chest...........................Brutal Rafter
Left Hand......................The Dryad Shuffle & TNH
Left Wrist......................??? & TNH
Right Hand....................Breaker Teuvo

Vigorous - ql 230 - lvl 168, treatment 1470, abilities 749

Right Hand.....................The Dryad Shuffle
Right Wrist.....................Bagaspati

Effective - ql 240 - lvl 176, treatment 1533, abilities 781

Right Arm......................The Worm King

Excited - ql 250 - lvl 183, treatment 1724, abilities 1063

Chest............................The Worm K
Left Arm........................??? & TNH
Left Wrist.......................TNH
Right Arm......................TNH

Vital - ql 260 - lvl 190, treatment 1797, abilities 1106

Right Arm.......................TNH

Cognizant - ql 270 - lvl 198, treatment 1870, abilities 1149

Brain...............................Sashu & TNH
Left Arm...........................K
Left Wrist..........................K

Alert - ql 280 - lvl 205, treatment 1942, abilities 1191

Left Arm...........................TNH
Left Hand..........................TNH
Left Wrist..........................Rallies Fete
Ocular..............................Agent of Decay
Right Arm.........................TNH

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:56 pm
by Whatchuwant
Infantry Symbiants - Advy, Enf, MA, Keeper

Animated - ql 70 -

Ear..............................Silver Fang
Left Arm......................Circumbendibus
Left Wrist.....................Scratch
Ocular.........................Black Fang - Silver Fang
Right Hand...................Scratch
Right Wrist...................Black Fang
Waist...........................Black Fang

Moving - ql 80 -

Left Arm.......................Circumbendibus
Left Hand......................Screech
Right Arm.....................Circumbendibus
Right Hand....................Scratch
Right Wrist....................Black Fang

Vibrating - ql 90 -

Brain............................Ashmara Ravin
Left Arm.......................The Archbile Queen
Left Hand......................Not Listed on AOPocket
Right Arm.....................Wacky Suzerain

Breathing - ql 100 -

Ear...............................Contorted Soul Dredge
Left Arm........................White
Left Wrist.......................The Achbile Guardian
Right Arm......................Gunk
Right Hand.....................Screech

Operative - ql 110 -

Brain..............................Lethargic Spirit
Feet...............................The Dune Suzerain
Left Arm.........................The Numb One - White

Prevailing - ql 120 -

Feet................................Spiritless Soul Dredge
Left Hand........................Gracious Soul Dredge
Ocular.............................Ignis Fatuus
Right Arm........................Thunderous Chimera
Right Hand.......................Not Listed on AOPocket
Right Wrist.......................Viscious Visitant

Residing - ql 130 -

Ear.................................Bhinaji Navi
Left Hand........................Spiritless Soul Dredge
Left Wrist........................The Abysmal Lord
Right Arm........................Bellowing Chimera
Right Wrist......................The Adonian Soul Dredge
Waist..............................The Adonis Spirit Master

Running - ql 140 -

Chest.............................The Scheolian Soul Dredge
Ear.................................Marly Suzerain
Left Arm.........................The Enrapt One
Left Hand........................Spiritless Soul Dredge
Right Hand......................Gracious Soul Dredge

Surviving - ql 150 -

Feet................................Adobe Suzerain
Left Hand........................Spiritless Soul Dredge
Left Wrist........................The Brobdingnagian Mother
Right Wrist......................The Watchdog
Thigh..............................Gracious Soul Dredge

Working - ql 160 -

Feet................................Adobe Suzerain
Left Wrist........................The Stupendous Breeder
Right Hand......................Gracious Soul Dredge
Thigh..............................Gracious Soul Dredge

Active - ql 170 -

Chest..............................Kaoline Suzerain
Feet................................Adobe Suzerain
Thigh..............................Adobe Suzerain
Waist..............................The Proprietrix

Awakened - ql 180 -

Chest..............................Skulky - Slinky
Left Wrist.........................Eidolean Soul Dredge
Right Arm........................The Peristaltic Aversion
Waist...............................The Abyssal Widow

Enduring - ql 190 -

Left Hand.........................Anya
Right Hand.......................Sampsa

Growing - ql 200 -

Ear..................................Old Salty
Left Hand..........................Anya
Left Wrist..........................Glitter
Ocular..............................Zoetic Oak

Living - ql 210 -

Chest...............................Lurky & Skulky
Ear..................................Old Salty - Smee
Left Arm...........................Moochy
Right Arm.........................The Peristaltic Abomination
Right Hand.......................Sampsa
Right Wrist.......................The Dredge Driver
Waist...............................Captured Spirit

Persisting - ql 220 -

Left Arm..........................Shake
Right Arm........................Toss
Right Hand......................Sampsa

Vigorous - ql 230 -

Left Hand.........................Anya
Right Arm........................Churn & Quake
Waist...............................The Infernal Soul Dredge

Effective - ql 240 -

Feet................................The Maggot Lord
Left Wrist.........................Exsequiae
Right Arm........................Churn

Excited - ql 250 -

Ear..................................Taille Frees
Right Arm.........................Lya
Right Hand.......................The Maggot Lord
Right Wrist.......................The Indomitable Chimera
Thigh...............................The Maggot Lord

Vital - ql 260 -

Chest..............................The Dryad Demigod
Left Arm..........................Aesma Daeva
Right Hand.......................The Maggot Lord
Right Wrist.......................Ats (Ats`usk)
Thigh...............................Quondam - The Maggot Lord

Cognizant - ql 270 -

Feet.................................Sashu - TNH
Left Arm...........................Arch Bigot Biap

Alert - ql 280 -

Brain...............................Devourer of Scheol
Ear..................................Devourer of Scheol
Ocular.............................Devourer of Scheol
Right Wrist.......................TNH & ???

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:56 pm
by Whatchuwant
Control Symbiants - Trader, Crat, MP, Engie

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:58 pm
by Whatchuwant
Artillery Symbiants - Trader, Advy, Agent, Soldier, Fixer

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:58 pm
by Whatchuwant
Support Symbiants - Trader, Advy, MP, MA, Keeper, Doc, Fixer

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:29 pm
by Sorhan
Nice one Whatchu. :)

I'm wondering though... what do you think about building the list from scratch using only our personal PB experience, rather than starting from AO Pocket lists?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:00 pm
by Whatchuwant
I thought about that, but this level of obsessiveness started when I began compiling my list of which PBs I need to re-stock symbiants that I've sold out of.

I figure it'll be easier to "confirm" the accuracy of 98% of these, and make note of the discrepancies for the other 2%. I'm also goint to lookup all of these in the database, and make note of any listed there that I haven't accounted for yet, so maybe it'll be 97%/3%.

Of course, the pack-rat in me now officially wants to have one-of-every-symbiant-the-drops-in-game :cry:

I think the only thing we might gain from a from-scratch approach would be compiling drop-rate frequency, but I think most of us have a decent sense of what those are (i.e. if the PB drops a wrist, you get 6, ha ha)

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:05 pm
by Sorhan
Hmmmmm... what about copying over the lists from AO Pocket, and marking the ones we personally confirm or add (bolding perhaps?)

Drop frequency would be nice to know (I know Sho was calculating them on his PB spreadsheet) but sooo much work :P

Also, fixers can use sup symbs, fixed for you ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:30 pm
by Whatchuwant
It's prolly easier for me to keep track in columns on my spreadsheet. Of course, if Soz would enable HTML code for this section fo the forum, I could add a lot here ;)

I'm planning on keeping full stats for every PB I spawn for a while, or at least for the first 5 of each unless I think more data is needed for a specific one. Thinking that if we can get a good level of confidence what does or doesn't drop within 5 spawns, we should get a reasonable common/uncommon/rare ratio.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:41 pm
by Sorhan
What HTML tags would you use? I see there is an option for it but should probably check with Soz to make sure it won't crash the forums or something. :P

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:41 pm
by Whatchuwant
if I had access to html, I could create a table layout that visually reproduces the spreadsheet I'm working from.

as it is, these lists are tons longer than I was expecting them to be...

and nerf being too busy at work doing real work stuff to get these finished today :cry:

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:20 am
by Sozinho
The thing with having HTML enabled is security. I can check if it is possible to enable html for moderators only, or something like that.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:06 am
by Khaitlene
My own experience:

Killed Zoetic Oak 25 times and 0 drops on 230 brain. 1 220 Brain.

Killed Breaker Tuevo 35 times. 1st 5 kills dropped 1 220 r arm, next 30 0, than last kill dropped 2 off same loot.

Srahir drops 190 brains 1 every other kill or so. Drops 210 Brain, 1 every 5 or so. Oculars are a bit more rare.

Killed Alatyr about 5 times, dropped 3 180 chests.

Killed Maggot Lord about 10 times, dropped 3 240 Feet.