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Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:29 am
by Zane0
Had a fit of nostalgia, and came to see if things were still kickin'. I see that they are! Some of you may remember me as that hapless engineer of years past! I still remember the IS runs, the early SL days, the push through Adonis and Penumbra, and all the little hiccoughs along the way! Was quite the adventure. My drug (MMO) of choice is Scrabble right now; getting through Naxxramas with a Priest on Eonar. It's good fun, but you'll always be at the core of my first MMO years.

I'm afraid I have lost all my screenshots, or else I would post my memories! In fact, if some of the more ancient members are able to locate screenshot(s) with my character somewhere in the background, I'd be deeply appreciative; I would love to have a half-decent image to represent all that time!

Hope you're all doing well,

Zane0- Former 214 Engineer

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:45 pm
by Whatchuwant
Howdy Zane0 !!

You know, you could always renew your AO account & come get some new screenshots ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:53 pm
by Kakazhi
Hey man long time :D
Remember me ? Duzzao a MP from like 2 or 3 years ago... Black Sun i think it was...