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Wicked HP-bar-bug

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:53 am
by Sozinho
Teamed a few people at Spade Tiigs and suddenly a teamies hp-bar went poof on me....

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:11 am
by Toffemaster
Devil spawn of Tchu!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:28 pm
by Ruffixx
Low HP NT getting under the HP and then getting the borked 82374872983 or whatever?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:35 pm
by Sozinho
Ruffixx wrote:Low HP NT getting under the HP and then getting the borked 82374872983 or whatever?
Ah makes sense. Still look cool hehe...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:06 pm
by ClockworkD
Sechsy (the usually 1 hp MP) had negative hp the other day w/ a particular setup, and had a crazy hp bar also. Sort of crazy. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:08 pm
by Sorhan
ClockworkD wrote:Sechsy (the usually 1 hp MP) had negative hp the other day w/ a particular setup, and had a crazy hp bar also. Sort of crazy. :)
So what happens in a fight if you have negative hp?

/brain explodes

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:27 pm
by ClockworkD
Sorhan wrote:
ClockworkD wrote:Sechsy (the usually 1 hp MP) had negative hp the other day w/ a particular setup, and had a crazy hp bar also. Sort of crazy. :)
So what happens in a fight if you have negative hp?

/brain explodes
Instead of getting into the interesting philosophical scenarios, I'll tell you what happens in AO: if you have negative hp and take any damage, you die. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:44 pm
by Sozinho
You mean any damage kill you ? Even a small hit for 1 point ?

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 5:29 am
by Ruffixx
I really wasn't sure if anyone died or not, but I do know it's buggy

If you go under 1 hp into negative HP, your HP gets whacked out on your HP bar and says like 6bil. When someone hits you, it says for them that they hit you for that 6 bil or whatever, so something that would be definitely screen shot or logon material there. I sort of figured the person would die, but then again wasn't sure because of the immortality of 1hp people

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:31 pm
by Sozinho
Would be cool to just increase the negative hp hehe...

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:09 pm
by Toffemaster
Got a pic from a while back when Khal sploited!

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:48 am
by Sozinho
Lol omg.... go tank the beast hehe ;)