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Obsidian Order meets AI Missions...

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:43 pm
by Sorhan
Now we all know what OO missions are usually like...

Here is what happens when OO decides to try a 220 AI mish, and gets the cocoon room :shock:

Act 1:

OMG Cocoons, yay!!! SB SB SB!!


Act 2:

Hrrrrrmmmmmmmm there are a lot of these...


Act 3:

Oh, hi guys...


Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:01 am
by Sozinho

Thats INSANE !!!!1111oneone

I havent tried AI mishes yet, and after this pictures Im glad I didnt.... Hello Reclaim ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:57 am
by Ruffixx
Get a bigger screen to play on! :P

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:02 pm
by Nanomez
Reminds me of playing the original "Doom" when all the dead bodies would start piling up and fill the screen. :o

....and oh my gosh, how can you play with all that stuff covering your screen!?!?!? I try so hard to minimize all the business on my screen with all the menus I need open, but that's on a higher resolution. I'd be pulling my hair out trying to look "around" all of those huge windows. *sigh* I still miss the old GUI...just not the same, even if you turn off all the extras. Then again, my computer looks like I am running Windows 3.1 since I have all of that stuff stripped down to "classic" view as well.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:45 pm
by Missetsu
LMAO... I gotta get back in the game to see that if nothing else :D

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:51 pm
by Sorhan
Woooo, couple of things :)

#1 It's not always like that, there's a bunch of cocooons and you can pop them slowly for a lot of axp. It's just that with OO's love of SB and killing lots of things at once... :P

It was actually really fun/funny, as you can tell from the chat in the last screenshot.

#2 Unfortunately I still play on a 12" laptop in 800 x 600, and that's as small as I can get the stuff covering the screen. :( The chat window is already so small that I miss most chats in fights. :(


#4 Ding 1k posts for meh!! <3